
Basic SSINS Construction

There are three main classes in the software: SS (sky_subtract), INS (incoherent_noise_spectrum), and MF (match_filter). We will use these classes to navigate the various steps in the SSINS process detailed in the paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.01093).

Generating the sky-subtracted visibilities

(a) Initializing an SS object and reading in raw data

>>> from SSINS import SS
>>> # The SS object is a subclass of a UVData object, and therefore has all of its attributes and methods
>>> # We initialize it identically
>>> # See UVData documentation on https://pyuvdata.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
>>> ss = SS()
>>> # Read data by specifying a filepath as an argument to the read method
>>> filepath = 'SSINS/data/1061313128_99bl_1pol_half_time.uvfits'
>>> # By default, the visibilities are NOT differenced in time on read (see paper). This is for compatibility with multi-file reading.
>>> ss.read(filepath, diff=True)

(b) Passing keyword arguments to SS.read

>>> import numpy as np
>>> # SS.read is actually a small wrapper around UVData.read; they share keywords
>>> # In particular, select on read and reading only metadata function as usual (see UVData.select documentation)
>>> ss = SS()
>>> ss.read(filepath, read_data=False)
>>> # The following lines make use of the time_array attribute (metadata) to
>>> # read in all but the first and last integrations
>>> times = np.unique(ss.time_array)[1:-1]
>>> ss.read(filepath, read_data=True, times=times, diff=True)

(c) Applying flags

>>> # SS.data_array is a numpy masked array. To "apply flags" is to change the mask of the data_array.
>>> # The proper way to apply flags to the sky-subtracted data is to use the apply_flags method
>>> # To apply the original flags in the raw data file, make the following call
>>> ss.apply_flags(flag_choice='original')
>>> # Note that the original flags are always stored in the flag_array attribute
>>> # The flag_choice keyword is stored in an attribute
>>> print(ss.flag_choice)
>>> # You can apply flags from a custom flag array that is the same shape as the data
>>> custom = np.zeros(ss.data_array.shape, dtype=bool)
>>> # Let us make it so that only the first frequency channel is flagged and nothing else
>>> custom[:, 0, 0, :] = True
>>> # Apply these flags in the following way
>>> ss.apply_flags(flag_choice='custom', custom=custom)
>>> print(ss.flag_choice)
>>> # Unflag the data by setting flag_choice=None (note this is actually the default!!)
>>> ss.apply_flags(flag_choice=None)
>>> # Check if anything is flagged, for demonstration purposes
>>> print(np.any(ss.data_array.mask))

(d) Plotting using Catalog_Plot

>>> from SSINS import Catalog_Plot as cp
>>> import os
>>> # The Catalog_Plot library contains wrappers around plot_lib functions for basic plotting needs
>>> # See the documentation: https://ssins.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Catalog_Plot.html
>>> # Each function in Catalog_Plot requires a class instance and a filename prefix as arguments (a suffix is appended by the wrapper)
>>> # Whatever unique identifying information for the plot should be specified in the prefix
>>> prefix = 'SSINS/data/test_data'
>>> # To make a Histogram of the Visibility Differences (a VDH, figure 1 of paper), and save it as a pdf, do the following
>>> # This also plots a fit estimated from the data
>>> cp.VDH_plot(ss, prefix, file_ext='pdf', post_flag=False)
>>> # Check to see that the file exists
>>> print(os.path.exists('%s_VDH.pdf' % (prefix)))
>>> # Let's apply flags and plot the flagged data alongside the unflagged data, without fits
>>> # We also want legend labels and a legend
>>> ss.apply_flags('original')
>>> new_prefix = '%s_flag_unflag_nofits' % prefix
>>> cp.VDH_plot(ss, new_prefix, file_ext='pdf', pre_flag=True,
...             post_flag=True, pre_model=False, post_model=False,
...             post_label='Post-Flag Data', pre_label='Pre-Flag Data',
...             legend=True)
>>> print(os.path.exists('%s_VDH.pdf' % (new_prefix)))

Making and writing an incoherent noise spectrum

(a) Making an incoherent noise spectrum from sky-subtracted data

>>> from SSINS import INS
>>> # Making an INS from sky-subtracted data is as simple as passing an SS instance as an argument
>>> ins = INS(ss)
>>> # This averages the amplitudes of the sky-subtracted data over the baselines, taking into account flags that were applied

(b) Making an incoherent noise spectrum out of autocorrelations

>>> auto_ss = SS()
>>> # Read data by specifying a filepath as an argument to the read method
>>> auto_filepath = 'SSINS/data/1061312640_autos.uvfits'
>>> auto_ss.read(auto_filepath, diff=True)
>>> auto_ins = INS(auto_ss, spectrum_type="auto")

(c) Plotting using Catalog_Plot

>>> # Plotting INS is similar to plotting a VDH, just with a different function
>>> # This plots all polarizations present in the file separately
>>> # The first column are the baseline-averaged amplitudes, while the second column shows the mean-subtracted data (z-scores)
>>> cp.INS_plot(ins, prefix, file_ext='pdf')
>>> print(os.path.exists('%s_SSINS.pdf' % prefix))
>>> # You can specify various plotting nuances with keywords
>>> # Let's set some frequency ticks every 50 channels
>>> xticks = np.arange(0, len(ins.freq_array), 50)
>>> xticklabels = ['%.1f' % (ins.freq_array[tick]* 10 ** (-6)) for tick in xticks]
>>> tick_prefix = '%s_ticks' % prefix
>>> cp.INS_plot(ins, tick_prefix, file_ext='pdf', xticks=xticks, xticklabels=xticklabels)
>>> print(os.path.exists('%s_SSINS.pdf' % tick_prefix))

(d) Plotting using the plot_lib library

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from matplotlib import cm
>>> from SSINS import plot_lib
>>> # Let's plot the first polarization data and z-scores
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(16, 9))
>>> # The averaged amplitudes are stored in the metric_array parameter
>>> plot_lib.image_plot(fig, ax[0], ins.metric_array[:, :, 0],
...                     title='XX Amplitudes', xticks=xticks,
...                     xticklabels=xticklabels)
>>> # The z-scores are stored in the metric_ms parameter.
>>> # Let's choose a diverging colorbar and center it on zero using the cmap and midpoint keywords.
>>> plot_lib.image_plot(fig, ax[1], ins.metric_ms[:, :, 0],
...                     title='XX z-scores', xticks=xticks,
...                     xticklabels=xticklabels, cmap='coolwarm',
...                     midpoint=True)
>>> fig.savefig('%s_plot_lib_SSINS.pdf' % prefix)
>>> print(os.path.exists('%s_plot_lib_SSINS.pdf' % prefix))

(e) Saving out and reading in a spectrum

>>> # The INS.write method saves out h5 files that can be read both by INS objects and UVFlag objects
>>> # By default it saves out the metric_array in the file, z-scores must be saved separately
>>> # Set clobber=True to overwrite files with the same prefix (default is False)
>>> ins.write(prefix, clobber=True)
>>> ins.write(prefix, output_type='z_score', clobber=True)
>>> print(os.path.exists('%s_SSINS_data.h5' % prefix))
>>> print(os.path.exists('%s_SSINS_z_score.h5' % prefix))
>>> # This file can later be read upon instantiation of a new object
>>> # The z-scores will be recalculated on instantiation, so no need to read in the z-scores
>>> new_ins = INS('%s_SSINS_data.h5' % prefix)
>>> # Check equality
>>> print(np.all(ins.metric_array == new_ins.metric_array))

Flagging an INS using a match_filter (MF)

(a) Constructing a filter with no additional sub-bands

>>> from SSINS import MF
>>> # The MF class requires a frequency array and significance threshold as positional arguments
>>> # We will disable searching for broadband streaks and provide no additional sub-bands for the filter
>>> # First we need to define a sig_thresh dictionary for our only shape (narrowband)
>>> sig_thresh = 5
>>> mf = MF(ins.freq_array, sig_thresh, streak=False, narrow=True, shape_dict={})

(b) Constructing a filter for streaks and Western Australian DTV in MWA EoR Highband

>>> # Use the shape_dict keyword to provide custom sub-bands to search over during flagging
>>> # The input should be a dictionary, where the key is the name of the shape and the value are the lower/upper frequencies in hz
>>> shape_dict = {'TV6': [1.74e8, 1.81e8],
...               'TV7': [1.81e8, 1.88e8],
...               'TV8': [1.88e8, 1.95e8],
...               'TV9': [1.95e8, 2.02e8]}
>>> # We also need to apply significance thresholds for each shape, including 'narrow' and 'streak'
>>> # In principle, these can be different values per shape, see advanced techniques.
>>> sig_thresh = 5
>>> mf = MF(ins.freq_array, sig_thresh, shape_dict=shape_dict, streak=True, narrow=True)

(c) Constructing a filter for streaks and South African DTV in HERA below 200 Mhz

>>> # Use the shape_dict keyword to provide custom sub-bands to search over during flagging
>>> # The input should be a dictionary, where the key is the name of the shape and the value are the lower/upper frequencies in hz
>>> shape_dict = {'TV4': [1.74e8, 1.82e8],
...               'TV5': [1.82e8, 1.9e8],
...               'TV6': [1.9e8, 1.98e8]}
>>> # Technically 2 Mhz of channel 7 should appear, but we omit that in this example
>>> # We also need to apply significance thresholds for each shape, including 'narrow' and 'streak'
>>> # In principle, these can be different values per shape
>>> sig_thresh = 5
>>> mf = MF(ins.freq_array, sig_thresh, shape_dict=shape_dict, streak=True)

(d) Using the filter to flag the noise spectrum

>>> # Construct the filter that you want to use.
>>> # For the test data we will use the MWA DTV example above
>>> shape_dict = {'TV6': [1.74e8, 1.81e8],
...               'TV7': [1.81e8, 1.88e8],
...               'TV8': [1.88e8, 1.95e8],
...               'TV9': [1.95e8, 2.02e8]}
>>> sig_thresh = 5
>>> mf = MF(ins.freq_array, sig_thresh, shape_dict=shape_dict, streak=True)
>>> # Use the apply_match_test method to flag the INS (this applies the flags to the mask of the metric array)
>>> mf.apply_match_test(ins) 

(e) Saving the INS mask out to an h5 file

>>> # Just use the write method as above, with the right output_type
>>> ins.write(prefix, output_type='mask', clobber=True)
>>> print(os.path.exists('%s_SSINS_mask.h5' % prefix))

(f) Getting time propagated flags from the INS mask

>>> from pyuvdata import UVData, UVFlag
>>> # Each integration in the SSINS is a result of a difference of paired integrations
>>> # To get flags for the raw data, we have to propagate flagged INS samples in time to all possible contributing times
>>> # The mask_to_flags method returns an array where we have done this. This is useful for comparing to other UVFlag objects
>>> flags = ins.mask_to_flags()
>>> # We can write these out to an h5 file as well, but we need to make a UVFlag object from the original data
>>> uvd = UVData()
>>> uvd.read(filepath, times=times)
>>> uvf = UVFlag(uvd, waterfall=True, mode='flag')
>>> ins.write(prefix, output_type='flags', clobber=True, uvf=uvf)
>>> print(os.path.exists('%s_SSINS_flags.h5' % prefix))

(g) Applying time-propagated flags from INS to a UVData object and write new file

>>> from pyuvdata import utils as uvutils
>>> uvf = ins.flag_uvf(uvf)
>>> uvutils.apply_uvflag(uvd, uvf) # This is a pyuvdata utility function that safely applies flags to UVData from UVFlag
>>> uvd.write_uvfits('SSINS/data/tutorial_test_writeout.uvfits')

(h) Writing flags to an mwaf file

>>> # We can add or replace flags from an existing mwaf file
>>> # An mwaf file is a special fits file for storing flags of raw MWA data
>>> # A special keyword option in ins.write() helps write them
>>> # You must supply a list of existing mwaf files from which to gather the header data
>>> # Currently you must flag at the same time/freq resolution as the data in the existing mwaf_files
>>> # For instance if you wanted to flag just the first two coarse bands for an obsid
>>> mwaf_files = ['/path/to/obsid_01.mwaf', '/path/to/obsid/obsid_02.mwaf'] 
>>> # As usual you must supply a prefix for the file.
>>> # You can choose to add flags to the file from SSINS flagging, or totally replace them
>>> prefix_add = '/path/to/obsid_SSINS_add' 
>>> prefix_replace = '/path/to/obsid_SSINS_replace' 
>>> # Can use Ncoarse keyword if input data does not have 24 coarse channels in it (default is 24)
>>> ins.write(prefix_add, output_type='mwaf', mwaf_files=mwaf_files, 
...           mwaf_method='add', Ncoarse=24) 
>>> ins.write(prefix_replace, output_type='mwaf', mwaf_files=mwaf_files, 
...           mwaf_method='replace', Ncoarse=24) 
>>> # Be sure to set clobber=False (default) if using the same prefix
>>> # as the original file and you don't want to overwrite

Getting Version Info

SSINS uses setuptools_scm to get the version from git tags.

>>> from SSINS import __version__ as SSINS_version
>>> # This string will be recorded in the history string of written outputs
>>> print(SSINS_version) 

Advanced Techniques

The techniques below are for users who are already familiar with the basic tutorials above.

Using INS.mean_subtract

(a) Basic functionality

>>> from SSINS import INS
>>> ins = INS('SSINS/data/1061313128_99bl_1pol_half_time_SSINS.h5')
>>> # The mean_subtract method returns the result of mean_subtraction
>>> # It does NOT automatically change the metric_ms attribute
>>> ms_arr = ins.mean_subtract()
>>> # You can do mean subtraction on just a subset of the frequencies to get a smaller output
>>> # This functionality is used to speed up match filtering
>>> # Let's just do the first ten frequency channels
>>> ms_arr = ins.mean_subtract(freq_slice=slice(0, 10))

(b) Subtracting a polynomial fit instead of the mean

>>> # If the noise levels are expected to change over the course of the obs (due to a refrigeration cycle for instance)
>>> # then may want to subtract a polynomial fit that describes the drift
>>> # The mean_subtract method uses INS.order to determine what degree of polynomial to subtract
>>> # Default order is 0, which just does mean subtraction
>>> ins.order = 1
>>> ms_arr_ord_1 = ins.mean_subtract()
>>> ins.order = 0
>>> ms_arr_ord_0 = ins.mean_subtract()
>>> # Can ask for the fit coefficients on a per-frequency basis
>>> ins.order = 2
>>> ms_arr_ord_2, coeffs_ord_2 = ins.mean_subtract(return_coeffs=True)
>>> # The shape is (INS.order + 1, Nfreqs, Npols) where Nfreqs is the number of frequencies in the slice
>>> # It goes from higher degree coefficients to lower degree

Extra Flagging Bits

(a) Flagging all times for highly contaminated channels

>>> # Suppose you want to flag any channels with less than 40% clean data
>>> # Construct a MF as follows
>>> sig_thresh = {'narrow': 5, 'streak': 5}
>>> mf = MF(ins.freq_array, sig_thresh, tb_aggro=0.4)
>>> mf.apply_match_test(ins, time_broadcast=True) 

(b) Broadcasting flags over subbands

>>> # Suppose you want to spread flags over certain subbands if RFI is found in those subbands
>>> # For instance: maybe you want to flag a whole TV band if anything is found in it
>>> # Make a broadcast_dict (this is a South Africa example)
>>> broadcast_dict = {'TV4': [174e6, 182e6], 'TV5': [182e6, 190e6], 'TV6': [190e6, 192e6]}
>>> mf = MF(ins.freq_array, 5, broadcast_dict=broadcast_dict)
>>> # Note that intervals in SSINS are INCLUSIVE on both ends

(c) Broadcasting flags over subbands, with guard bands

>>> # Depending on the channelization, these subbands may overlap
>>> # This means events found at the very edge of one subbands may induce flags in the other, unless a guard band is thrown in
>>> # An example 100 kHz guard band program might look like this
>>> guard_width = 100e3
>>> broadcast_dict = {}
>>> broadcast_dict['TV4'] = [174e6, 182e6 - guard_width]
>>> broadcast_dict['guard_4_5'] = [182e6 - guard_width, 182e6 + guard_width]
>>> broadcast_dict['TV5'] = [182e6 + guard_width, 190e6 - guard_width]
>>> mf = MF(ins.freq_array, 5, broadcast_dict=broadcast_dict)

(d) Calculating occupancy

>>> # A dictionary that reports the occupancy of the shapes found by the flagger can be calculated
>>> # See util.calc_occ docs
>>> occ_dict = util.calc_occ(ins, mf, 0) 
>>> # This can then be written to a yaml
>>> with open("SSINS/data/test_occ.yml", "w") as yaml_file: 
...    yaml.safe_dump(occ_dict, yaml_file) 

(e) Setting different significance thresholds per shape

>>> # One may pass a dictionary of significance thresholds to set different
>>> # thresholds per shape. All desired shapes, including narrow and broad if
>>> # desired, must be included.
>>> sig_thresh = {'narrow': 5, 'streak': 20, 'TV6': 5, 'TV7': 5, 'TV8': 5, 'TV9': 5}
>>> shape_dict = {'TV6': [1.74e8, 1.81e8],
...               'TV7': [1.81e8, 1.88e8],
...               'TV8': [1.88e8, 1.95e8],
...               'TV9': [1.95e8, 2.02e8]}
>>> mf = MF(ins.freq_array, sig_thresh, shape_dict=shape_dict)

(f) Writing out flags to a visibility file from a UVData object

>>> ss = SS()
>>> ss.read(filepath, times=times, flag_choice='original', diff=True)
>>> ss.write('SSINS/data/tutorial_test_writeout_2.uvfits', 'uvfits', UV=uvd)